Walking frames offer stability to those who would otherwise be unable to support themselves unaided. To use a non-wheeled walking frame, you should lift it and move it slightly in front of your body. You can then lean on it, taking your weight through the handgrips and take two equal length steps into the centre of the frame. The size and type of the wheel are important - the larger the wheel, the easier it is to push the walking frame (especially over rough ground). Smaller, more solid wheels are really only suitable for indoor use.
Three Wheel walkers are easy to push and provide a more continuous walking pattern if you have difficulty initiating movement. Their compact size makes them more suitable for indoor use.
Some rollators have four small wheels on the front and back legs. these are very easy to push and the frame can be used without the need to lift it. they are very mobile, but may not provide enough support for some users. Rollators with additional features such as bigger wheels, seats and backrests are generally larger than most standard frames and are usually used outdoors.
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