Comparing Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair Frames

Comparing Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair Frames


Seating systems are a vital part of 24-hour postural management programs. They provide a stable and functional position for children to access their surroundings and engage with everyday tasks. However, seating systems are only beneficial if they fit correctly.

Guide to Memory Seat Programming

Guide to Memory Seat Programming


The benefits and clinical application of being able to program the end positions of each power seat function angle to create a unique "position" or posture for the client that can be achieved by a push of a button and/or the joystick was reviewed in the Memory Seat Functions Education in Motion resource. In order to allow users to take full advantage of the ability to personalize the memory seating feature available on QUICKIE power wheelchairs with the CxSM module, it is important that the client's wheelchair service provider or clinician program each position individually. This guide provides an easy-to-follow process for memory seat programming.


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