Education in Motion / Resources

Education in Motion

Bariatric Wheelchair Assessment Measuring Guide

Bariatric Wheelchair Assessment Measuring Guide



Correct measurements help provide clients with the accurate, supportive seating and wheelchair systems. Clinicians in the assessment and fitting process need to arrive at an effective set of measurements for all sizes and body shapes. The PDF resource "Bariatric Wheelchair Assessment Measuring Guide" below highlights 17 of the most commonly used measures.

4 Steps To a Healthy Battery

4 Steps To a Healthy Battery



Powered wheelchair handover can be a busy time. There is a lot of information for clients to take on board to maintain their mobility device for years of reliable use. Download this printable, sharable PDF to ensure your clients feel confident about keeping their powered wheelchair batteries healthy through proper charging.

The Six F-Words for Child Development

The Six F-Words for Child Development



Learn more about the evidence-based CanChild ‘F-Words’ framework for supporting childhood development in this infographic created by Leckey, part of the Sunrise Medical Family.  This family-friendly downloadable PDF resource can help professionals working with children with special needs to communicate with families and other team members as part of a holistic care plan.

Early Intervention: Activities at Home to Support Development

Early Intervention: Activities at Home to Support Development



This quick guide will provide early developmental activity ideas to help promote physical, social, perceptual, and cognitive development in a variety of positions.These activities are ideal to be completed with the Leckey Early Activity System. However, if you do not have this equipment, you can improvise with rolled up towels and firm pillows to provide the support required.

Guide for Finding the Best Head Position for Your Client

Guide for Finding the Best Head Position for Your Client



Even though we are taught that seating and positioning begins at the pelvis, it is common for people to attempt to reposition a client's head and/or the head support equipment the moment they see the client's head not perfectly positioned at midline. Head supports and components of head supports are important pieces of the seating system puzzle. It is essential that the proper time and considerations are given to selecting these items as a part of the evaluation process. This guide is intended to help complex rehabilitation technology (CRT) provision teams with finding the best position, and subsequently the best equipment, for a client's head.

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