Education in Motion / Blog / September 2024 / Choosing the Right Powered Wheelchair for Travel

Choosing the Right Powered Wheelchair for Travel


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Travelling always calls for some planning. With a powerchair, the number of factors to consider rises exponentially. Not only is it a different climate and environment, you could be travelling by car, train or plane!

Powerchairs support clients to do the things they want to do. This is just as important when travelling to maximize independence away from home.


How will the wheelchair be transported in a vehicle?

If a client sits in the wheelchair during vehicle travel, it’s recommended the wheelchair be fitted with transit tie-down points and meet crash test standards.

If the client transfers into the vehicle seat, consider if the chair disassembles or folds to stow. Some powerchairs, such as the Q50 R Carbon, are lightweight and compact enough to be folded down for easy storage in a car or taxi.

How suited is the wheelchair for the environments it will encounter?

The position of the drive wheel is vital – check out our Drive Wheel Position blog for full details on how this influences drive performance.

How much battery capacity is needed?

Q-series powerchairs have between 25-40km range on a full charge, depending on model, battery life, charge and environmental conditions. Plan ahead so travel can be maximised. 

How programmable is the wheelchair to meet these needs?

Power wheelchairs offer personalised programming to adjust sensitivity, speed, acceleration and more, to match the user’s preferences and ability. Make sure that the chair is programmed for safe and easy driving in unfamiliar environments.


Flying to a holiday destination

Travellers should notify the airline of their wheelchair usage and needs while at the airport when booking the flight. Many airlines provide forms with the necessary information. Always follow the advice and direction of the airline.

To assist, the owner’s manual is a great resource to have handy. It’s a good idea to remove the joystick, headrest and other removable, important parts.  Prepare a small bag to store these items that can be brought in the cabin.  The chair and components should be labelled with contact details.

Paralympic champion David Smith details many of the factors of wheelchair travelling comprehensively in his post here.

Sunrise Medical has also created downloadable/printable travel tags! These feature a large ‘Warning’ tag to support safe handling, plus a detailed information tag. This will help ensure everything comes along on the holiday!

Is assistance required at the airport?

If assistance is required, the airline can provide guidance on how to access this service. Most airlines require at least 48 hours’ notice.


Case Study – Q50 R Carbon 

Let’s consider traveling with a Q50 R Carbon folding power wheelchair.

The Q50R Carbon weighs a mere 14.5 kg; its fabricated from premium carbon fibre, so it’s easy to load. Foldable in seconds, it stores snugly away in the tightest of places. Simply release the clip and the back will fold down. It’s so compact, it will fit into the smallest of car boots, closets or travel compartments.

At the beginning of the day, determine if the second Q50 R Carbon’s battery is required for the full 24km range.  This second battery has an easy storage slot under the seat. Even with just one battery, this compact portable battery provides 12 kms of range and can also be easily recharged at any power outlet.

The Q50 R Carbon has received International Air Transport Association (IATA) travel approval. However, the final decision rests with the pilot and their crew and will still require the airline’s approval prior to travel.

Whether it’s a short getaway, a business trip or visiting family, it’s important to prepare clients so they can get the most out of their holiday!

For more information on the Q50 R Carbon or any of our power wheelchairs, have a look at our Power Wheelchairs by QUICKIE | Sunrise Medical  or contact Sunrise Medical.  

Amy Bjornson - Sunrise Medical Australia

Amy Bjornson - Sunrise Medical Australia

BS, MPT, ATP, SMS - Clinical Education Manager - Asia Pacific

Trained as a Physical Therapist in the United States, Amy has over 20 years' experience working with the adult and pediatric neurologic populations, with specialties in the treatment of spinal cord injury & evaluation and provision of assistive technology for clients with physical challenges. She was the director of the Seating and Mobility Clinic in Boston, Massachusetts and provided consultation services to the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation.

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